Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Response from Councillor Marcelle Hoff

Cheers to Alex Pye for posting the reply she received.

Hi Alex,

In following up on this I've been told that NSW Police, not Council, recently issued a $3000 penalty infringement notice to the Hopetoun for failure to provide adequate security personnel in accordance with their development consent. This is a requirement of the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing.

It would be interesting to ask how officers of the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing feel about hotels that do not have pocker machines!!

Council has not issued any order for the premises to close.

I will be discussing this further with a number of Hopetoun supporters to see what action can be taken to support the Hopetoun.


Marcelle Hoff
Independent Councillor
City of Sydney
GPO Box 1591
Sydney NSW 2001
Ph: 61 2 9265 9706
Fax: 61 2 9265 9416

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