Friday, October 1, 2010

Email Clover Moore

Dear Ms Moore,

It has been brought to our attention that the beloved Hopetoun Hotel on the corner of Bourke and Fitzroy Sts in Surry Hills has been closed and is allegedly up for sale. This is terribly concerning as this hotel and its operations have been crucial to the arts and the local music community.

I appreciate the Council's strong commitment to these values, and I ask for your continued and fully-fledged support during this turbulent period. I ask that you provide the community at large with a detailed analysis of the situation, and consider actions to uphold this site as a genuine live-music venue. I am confident that the community will respond appropriately, and would be more than happy to assist in the progression of the Hopetoun’s legacy.

Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. The City of Sydney's music scene would suffer a great loss without this legendary venue.



UPDATE: Dappled Cities also has an email form for those without Outlook.

UPDATE #2: There's a new form email in light of news that the Hopetoun is up for sale. Please encourage everyone you know to send one to Clover.